Saturday 17 August 2013

Why I think your blog should have Twitter

Posted by Unknown on 03:45 with No comments
As one of the biggest micro-blogging services on the world wide web today. It is so beneficial to a blogger. Even if you hate using social networking services, we all need to use them to broadcast our blogs. They can be such a valuable way of bringing traffic to you.

Below I am going to show you some reasons on why I think your blog can benefit from using Twitter.

Twitter is great for building relationships

Twitter allows you to follow and be followed at your own choice. Building relationships is an important thing in having a successful blog. By following and choosing who you follow you can choose people in your area of expertise to succeed in driving more traffic to your blog.

Be known as an expert

If your following the relevant people in your area, on occasion you may find people asking questions. Answering these questions can establish you in the community as a know it all. People are more likely to follow you and visit your blog posts if they trust what you have to say.

Don't be afraid to ask questions

Return the favour. if your anything like me, you plan in advance and wrote your ideas down when ever you get them. When it comes to writing, you may encounter something you want to explain but don't quite know what your talking about. Ask the question! Twitter is great for getting some feedback and answers. Start talking to your followers, you want to be on the tongues of everyone you encounter in your professional career.

Broadcast your services and share beneficial information

Looking for someone to guest post. looking for an interview? Tweet it, you never know who is going to be interested. Have a shout out and reap the rewards.

These are a few things that I think why your blog should use twitter. Make sure to create an account that is just associated with your blog. Create a professional presence and interact with fellow intellects.


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