Tuesday 30 July 2013

4 Reasons why you will not blog

Posted by Unknown on 09:44 with No comments
In the last post I gave you 4 Great reasons why you blog. Now in this post I am going to give you 4 reasons why you may not want to blog. The truth is that the reality may not even live up to your expectations of blogging. You may have heard of some great success stories while you were thinking about blogging, this rarely happens. Putting it straight like that can bring you back to reality.

I think its important to understand why you should blog and why blogging may not be for you. In this post today I am going to outline some of the "realities" of blogging and leave it up to you to make up your own mind about it.

Bloggers often think they are going to earn a lot of money

In some cases yes! Bloggers do make a six figure income, not many, but some. Bloggers tend to make a few hundred a month and more earn next to nothing. Its very unlikely your expectations will be met. You have to be consistent and be unique in your area to become successful. Try and be a resource for your readers.

Blogs take a lot of work

If you want to be a famous blogger, you have to work at it a lot. If you want to be the number one blog in your area you have to really pay attention and keep up with the latest trends in your market. Another thing that needs a lot of work is your patience! Bloggers seem to think that they can put up a few posts and then watch the moment pour in! I can assure you that does not happen. Far from it.

Successful bloggers take the time to research their next posts and spend a lot of time building relationships with people of influence. Successful bloggers are always taking the time to learn new things and try different tactics to ensure what is the best way to maximise their blogs.

You must have a thick skin

As you progress in daily life as a blogger, you are going to come across readers that just hate your content. Nothing you can do, your not going to please everyone. If your going to let readers knock you off your horse and not get back on, then the blogging life is certainly not for you.

People like to be more aggressive and horrible behind a computer screen and tend to say the worst things. You must not take this personally if you are to succeed.

Your visitor count is not going to sky rocket in a day

Unless you already have a massive social media backing already, realisticly your not going to see your first ten thousand visitors in your first six months. Blogging takes time and the wise words "those who wait will be rewarded" come into play here. You need to be ready to promote your blog anywhere and everywhere you can. Tell your friends and family. Spread the word out anyway you can to gain some publicity to gain that amazing work from home lifestyle your dreaming of.

Trying to be a little more controversial here and give you the good and bad of both worlds, maybe this will open your mind into better reasons you may want to blog. Its a long and lonely world out there for a blogger.


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