Tuesday 20 August 2013

Improving your writing for your readers

Posted by Unknown on 07:17 with No comments
Almost everybody would like more readers to their blogs, more of a loyal following and a community. Your writing style can be a direct influence on how people perceive your blog. If your writing is not up to a minimal scratch that people can tolerate, your reader is going to lose interest.

Having great charisma on paper can encourage more readers to view your posts. That doesn't mean to say your writing has to be top notch without a single mistake, we are all human and people don't mind the occasional mistake as they know its a personal thing.

Although in this post today I am going to give you a little help and tell you what I think has helped me improve my writing recently. Take these points into consideration the next time you sit down to write your blog posts, who knows what you could achieve.

Write for your audience not for yourself

Its crucial to cater for your whole audience, try not to be to technical in your writing. If you choose to write technical, try and simplify it as much as you can.

If your blog post can't be entertaining, useful or educating to your audience, try and find something they find significance in. If you struggle to find the happy medium, your readers are certainly not going to stick around for long.

Make sure you know what your writing about

Your blog headline should be your main focus, try not to rabble on about something that has nothing to do with what your supposed to be writing about. This is vital as your reader can become bored and uninterested.  They have clicked on your post to read about a specific subject save everything else for another one.

Break down into simpler and smaller posts

Create a series of posts if you have to, people like to read small and informative pieces, they tend to stay focused. Instead of taking the occasional scroll down the page to see how long we all write for and think "Nah its too long".

Failing that try and break down your posts into more paragraphs and space out your work, its easier on the eyes and your readers wont be too lazy to finish the rest of your post.

Take these into consideration the next time you write and see how you get on. You may see a significant increase in your traffic to your posts in a short while. The great thing about blogging is that it is trial and error. That's the fun of it and trying to work out what fits your style best. Let me know how you get on, or whether or not you found this post helpful in the comments below.


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