Friday 19 April 2013

Three basic benefits of SEO

Posted by Unknown on 09:30 with No comments
When looking to make your pages rank higher in the search engines. Before we can even start to think about your targeted keyword phrases, you need to be sure that the search engines can even find them first. This goes back to the simple things like a simple structure to your website and making sure that the links are properly navigable, The navigation of your site must have a properly established hierarchy, and your content needs to be readable.

Lets take a look at these basics to help you start seeing more traffic:


This is why you need SEO right? On second thought no they are not. We'll discuss the other two benefits which are far more important next, but while rankings are an important part of SEO, they are not the goal in and of themselves. You may look at this and say "I'm losing X amount of traffic because I'm not ranked #1. This may or may not be true. Different rankings produce different bounce rates. It's important to understand that rankings don't make sales, they just provide a way in the door, and those that come in at #1 may not be as ready to buy as those that come in at #5.


Once you start getting rankings, even for low-volume but important keywords, you'll start to see your visitor count rise. Again, this is good, but not the ultimate goal you're trying to achieve unless you get paid on a cost per impression basis. This is kind of the old "Glass half full" saying but you need to have the visitors to get the CPC (cost-per-click) advertisements to achieve an income that way, if your creating a blog for this reason.


This is the big goal. The end-all, be-all purpose of search engine optimization. SEO is more than just helping you get rankings and drive traffic to your site. It should also help you increase your conversion counts and percentages. A conversion can be anything you want it to be; a comment on your blog, a download of a white paper, a follow on twitter, or a purchase of a product. Its important to know what your conversions are so you can set your optimization goals to help achieve them.

Over the next few posts I will be covering all the aspects of SEO in a more in-depth look as I progress, so please be patient and keep checking back.


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