Friday 19 April 2013

Constructing a daily blog schedule

Posted by Unknown on 11:32 with No comments
I publish an article each day, sometimes two articles each day, sometimes more. Depending on how much time I have on a day to day basis. I read a lot about bloggers saying they cant find the time to blog each day. That's fine, as long as you post often and has some sort of a routine. This helps your readers get into knowing when you are most likely to post. If you are blogger that has full time commitments i.e. a job it can be difficult to squeeze in some time to write. While it is by no means easy, I spend a lot of my sleeping time awake, there are still many strategies you can employ to make it more manageable.

Write less meaningful content

The great saying less is more come into place here. You don't have to dazzle your readers with an incredible long article to gain a following.

Short posts that get straight to the point works well across all boards. Especially considering the attention span of society. Think photos, thoughts, reviews and highlighting other blogs to keep you going.

Call in some guest posts

Why not have someone do the writing for you? If you have strict guidelines stating what you are looking for, the whole process gets that little bit easier. Having someone write one post a week on your site frees up some more time for you to write up a guest post for another site to attract a new set of readers. Everyone is a winner!

Try to write daily

Simple! The more often you write, the better at it you become, the quicker and easier it gets, the more your writing can flow and the more ideas start to flow to you as a result.

This post is a clear example. It took me 15 minutes to write while I was waiting for my tea to be cooked! I feel it is definitely because I am writing daily.

Use your old content

Try to find new ways to enhance your previous posts. Turn old posts into eBooks, newsletters and guest posts. Half the battle has already been done, the ideas and thoughts are there, the just need a bit of alteration.

Carry something to write into everywhere you go

Its fascinating to see what actually turns the cogs in your brain to come up with an idea for a blog post. I carry a small notepad which my girlfriend got me for Christmas for this particular thing. I tell you what, I never thought about it until she gave it to me and suggested. Now it has turned into a very reliable tool. I carry it everywhere, if you do not write your ideas down you will lose them. Trust me!

Enjoy what you do

We say this countless of times on this blog but loving what you do can really help you. I am able to do all of the above things without really working for it. When you love what you do it does not feel like work. You are more than happy to spend hours doing it.


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