Wednesday 24 April 2013

Have you ever stumbled upon a blog with no advertising? I have, and I am sure you have. Have you ever wondered if any of these blogs are making money? Chances are they have been for a while. There are more ways to make money with a blog without earning through the likes of AdSense. Although the majority of people like myself will never earn enough to make it to a full time blogger, there are bloggers out there who do.

In this post today we will look at some of the ways that you can make money from your blog without bombarding your readers with advertising. Most people start a blog for a hobby which is what you should do. If you are serious about it there are many options out there to help you achieve a better blog. Building a following of readers and subscribers to your blog can help you convert sales.

Once you have decided on what to write about, people will follow. You just have to figure out where to find them and direct them to your blog. Then you can think about monetising your blog and earn some coins for your hard work. Earning enough to pay for your hosting and domains and anything else that you need to pay for to keep your blog up and running is an objective for most bloggers. Anything extra is great and can buy you those new shoes that you have always wanted.

Here are some way that can make you some money:

Sell your products online

Depending on what you blog about there are many things that you can sell. If you run a cookery blog, sell some recipes through an eBook. Create a series of eBooks on different subjects within your blog. Offer a discounted price to purchase all of them. If you have the traffic and people trust what you write about, this is a great way to incorporate a cash flow to your account.

Become an affiliate marketer

The previous section may not benefit you for some reason, or you may not have a product to sell yet. Sell someone else's and earn a commission. Other businesses will pay a small fee for you to direct traffic, the more you send the more cash you are likely to earn. If you are interested in this, look at this post affiliate marketing for beginners.

Use your blog to market your services

Using your blog to market may not generate an income directly, but it can generate sales elsewhere. If you blog for a company about recycling, adding the companies name into the blog can be great exposure and put it into the readers mind for later on. This can make the reader think about recycling companies and possibly choose the one he reads about because it creates a communication link between them both.

Offer a members only area

If your serious about blogging and your content is great enough, providing the traffic is there. Why not set up a members only area for your blog. Offer exclusive content and giveaways to entice people to joining. This is something my blog is currently not ready for but if my plan works out then I am seriously considering building this. Just make sure you update it regularly and have content that doesn't exist in the free section of you will lose subscribers quickly.

These are just a few of what is out there for you to think about. Just take some time to do your research and find out some amazing strategies. If you have anything that you would like to share please let me know in the comments below. I would greatly appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for tips, 4 different ways to make money in the internet.


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